:: Conference Goals

1. Advancing Knowledge and Research in Cognitive Sciences and Learning

  • Presenting new findings in fields related to learning and education.
  • Exploring the role of cognitive sciences in improving learning processes.


2. Improving Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Identifying and introducing innovative and effective educational methods.
  • Examining how cognitive science-based approaches can be applied to the design of educational content and programs.


3. Promoting Advanced Educational Technologies

  • Investigating the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and digital tools in education.
  • Showcasing cutting-edge technologies for personalized and intelligent learning.


4. Creating a Platform for Interdisciplinary Collaboration

  • Encouraging interaction among experts in cognitive sciences, psychology, neuroscience, education, and technology.
  • Building connections between researchers, educators, teachers, and educational policymakers.


5. Offering Creative Solutions to Educational Challenges

  • Analyzing issues such as academic underachievement, educational inequality, and decreased student motivation.
  • Designing practical strategies to improve the quality of learning.


6. Promoting Lifelong Learning

  • Continuous learning and its importance in personal and professional life.
  • Examining the impact of lifelong learning on individual and social development.


7. Strengthening the Link between Research and Educational Policy

  • Providing research-based recommendations for decision-making at higher levels of the education system.
  • Exploring the role of cognitive sciences in formulating effective educational policies.


8. Raising Public Awareness and Enhancing Cognitive Literacy

  • Educating the general public on the impact of cognitive sciences on learning and daily life.
  • Creating a better understanding of the importance of cognitive learning at all stages of life.


9. Encouraging International Collaboration

  • Strengthening global scientific cooperation.
  • Sharing successful experiences from other countries in the field of education and learning.



